Welcome To UNICOF


The Union of Industry, Commerce and Finance Workers was established in August, 2003 and was duly registered as a Trade Union Organization on 6th October, 2003. We are an affiliate of the Ghana Trades Union Congress which represents the collective Labor front.
For us, our interest as a union, in our relationship with our stakeholders, is governed by our mission; “To organize, educate and develop the capabilities of workers in our jurisdiction and beyond, towards improved productivity for the employer, and better working conditions and job security for our members.”


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Member Service


Education and Training

UNICOF organizes training and education for its members on topics which affect their work as well as their lives. We have a department dedicated to the development of our members in this regard. Trade unions throughout the world are facing

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Gender Activities

Gender mainstreaming is one of UNICOF’s major strategic objectives. In light of this the union has put in place a women’s wing called the National Women’s Council (NWC). The NWC is governed by a smaller body called Regional Women’s Committee

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Join Us

Ask yourself the following questions; Are you consulted when major changes are made to your working practices? Does your employer listen to your opinion? Is your working environment safe and healthy? Are your wages reviewed on regular basis? If you

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Our News


UNICOF meets workers of Manya Krobo Rural Bank

UNICOF Empowers Women Bankers with Ethics & Leadership Training

UNICOF Celebrates Strong Representation at TUC Ghana’s 12th Quadrennial Delegates Congress

UNICOF elects new leadership for the next quadrennial


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