Education & Research


Trade unions throughout the world are facing daily, new challenges through the acquisition of new skills and responsibilities. Globalization has brought rapid changes in the world of work. Workers representatives are being called upon to participate in decision making of the work place hence the role of trade unions have become much broader with the service we render becoming more complex. To successfully cope with the new issues in the world of work, time has come for an ever-increasing range of technical and professional knowledge and skills and this calls on the education department to work hard towards this direction.

Today, trade unions and their education programmes cannot ignore the consequences of Economic globalization on workplace issues as demand for decent work, the fight against discrimination and exploitation and violation of human rights cannot be over emphasized.

    In 2005 the UNICOF organized its first educational programme which was a success and from then this has been a yearly activity. Our main objective is to;

  • Develop the capacity of members on trade union issues
  • Enhance their progression both at work and society
  • To project knowledgeable and well informed leaders to help propel workers rights.
    The ultimate aim of the research department is to furnish staff, especially the industrial relations officers and our members with requisite data and statistical analysis for the following purposes:

  • Collective bargaining negotiations for the conditions of services for our members;
  • Representations to political and regulatory bodies concerning the industries in which our members work.

Secondly the department is also conducts surveys into the emerging needs of our members and how to bring out new products to hence the livelihood of our members.